heart diseases

June 8, 2012

What is Atherosclerosis?

There are two terms that make sense to know about when discussing diseases of the arteries. These are “arteriosclerosis” and “atherosclerosis”—both similar diseases. Arteriosclerosis happens when […]
June 10, 2011

Women and Heart Health

When we think of heart disease and heart attacks, we mostly think of men. We forget that heart disease is one of the top killer of […]
March 25, 2011

Marine Omega Fatty Acids prevent Heart Failure

It turns out that eating fatty fish and omega-3 fatty acids from marine sources protects you from heart failure. A large study of men only has […]
November 11, 2010

Using CT Angiography for Heart Disease Screening

A relatively new test has come forth that is designed to detect atherosclerotic heart disease. It is called CT angiography and it has a great deal […]